sun protection

Packing for Paradise

Packing for Paradise

Hawai‘i. Jamaica. Costa Rica. Moorea. The tropics are where rainbows are born. If you are plotting an escape to a tropical paradise this year, you’re probably in full-scale dream mode. And why not? The sun, the beaches, the trade winds rustling through the palm trees — all you need is a pair of sunglasses and your bathing suit, right? Well, a bit more than that. I’m here to help, so read on.

Like suntanning? We have some bad news.

Like suntanning? We have some bad news.

We all love a suntan. It makes you look healthy and sexy. Or so you think. The truth is that to your skin, there’s no difference between a healthy-looking suntan and a severe sunburn. 

BS, you say? Think again. The ultraviolet rays of the sun that make that nice, dark tan are hard at work trying to create genetic mutations in your skin cells, which lead to melanoma, or skin cancer. And this damage is cumulative and irreversible. Here’s what you need to know, and how to protect yourself.

Enjoy the sun. But be careful.

Enjoy the sun. But be careful.

We love the sun. It makes us feel good. It showers is with Vitamin D, raises our spirits, warms us and for those blessed with good skin pallor, gives us a tan. It's what we strive for on many vacation trips as we flock to sun-blessed spots around the globe.

But you should be careful too, no matter how dark skinned you may be. The reason is because skin cancer is cumulative. Read on to learn how to protect yourself.